Teacher Feature Shannon Ackerson


Shannon Ackerson recently won an award for Faculty of the Quarter, let’s learn a little more Shannon in this weeks Teacher Feature.

1) What do you do, or what did you do, as a profession when you’re not teaching? And for how long have you done this? Before I came to IBMC I worked in a salon as a cosmetologist.  I first became interested in coaching/instructing when I was with Cost Cutters.  I applied for a position with their National Design Team because I felt it would be a great opportunity to advance my own education.

2) What is the one thing you enjoy most about teaching? I still feel like I learn something new from each student.

3) What is one thing that you say or do that inspires students to succeed? I work really hard to make my students excited about what we are doing in class.  Cosmetology school is really hard, not only are we teaching them the academics needed, we are also teaching them new skills almost every day.  I try to get to know my students so I can better assist them in reaching their goals.

4) Who inspires YOU?  I am most inspired by my co-workers and students

5) Describe IBMC in 5 words or less. We have so much talent, it is fun to watch the students grow and flourish and I use my peers to get ideas and strategies for class.  I am continually amazed by the strength and support IBMC offers the faculty and the students. I would describe them as warm and caring, we really are a big crazy family.

6) What was the last movie you watched? My most recent movie is “good hair day” with Chris Rock.  I will watch any and all movies, they are my favorite.

7) If you woke up tomorrow with the means to travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? If I could go anywhere tomorrow, I would hit a cabin in the mountains.

8) What is one zany/crazy fact about yourself that most students would not know? Secret talents, have you ever been on TV, etc? I am an open book, my students know quite a bit about me but I think my favorite thing is that I have known my husband since I was 12, we have been married for 24 years, and I still like that guy!

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