Returning to IBMC College

We’re Ready To Help Finish What You Started!
By sitting down with your Student Success Coach or an Admissions Representative, you can:
- Come up with a plan to complete your education
- Learn about scheduling options for you
- Discover new program offerings
If you’ve previously attended IBMC College and are considering coming back, we’d love to help you finish what you started. Life challenges and hectic schedules at times create a reason to pause your career training. If you’re ready to return, we’ll support you every step of the way. Re-enrolling is easy, and you may be surprised how quickly you can get back on track to graduate.
Questions About Re-Enrolling?
If you’re unsure about how to re-enroll or want more information about the process and what to expect, feel free to contact a member of IBMC Student Services and they’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Contact IBMC College Student Success Coaches!
Brian Johnson, Student Success Coach, Fort Collins
Bernadette Maldonado, Student Success Coach, Greeley
Gunnar West, Student Success Coach, Longmont