Is College Really Worth It?

With more and more students graduating with thousands of dollars in student debt, it is worth considering whether or not college is actually worth it. While the economy is clearly improving with the United States releasing figures proving that job growth is at its highest rate in years, many college students still find themselves either without a job or working in a position for which they are overqualified after graduating. As a result, asking whether or not the cost of college is actually worth it is a viable and important question that must be further examined and answered.

According to the New York Times and data from the US Labor Department, college is clearly worth it. Per the data, Americans who have a four-year college degree make 98% more per hour than people who do not have a job. Despite this, it can still be difficult for a young person to fathom having to go into debt to have the opportunity to recoup that money and more many years down the road. As a result, making college more affordable from the onset is going to be crucial in encouraging more people to attend. In addition to the economic benefits of attending college, graduating with a degree also improves a person’s self-worth and confidence. While it may seem trivial, this can actually lead to a better quality of life because the graduate will be presented with more lucrative and rewarding opportunities.

Clearly, attending college is valuable; however, it is also important that the United States find more jobs for new graduates. While a college degree is worth its weight in gold in the long run, it can take years of hard work for a person to be able to pay off the degree. With many students having to move back home after graduation and having to wait several years to find a job, it can be difficult to encourage students to attend school.

Anyone looking for a college in Greeley should consider IBMC. A leading Greeley CO college, IBMC focuses on preparing our students for important careers in the medical field and business world. Not only do we pride ourselves in having excellent programs in healthcare, legal and computer support, but also IBMC College only hires trained instructors. For assistance in finding a job after graduation, IBMCC College has a Career Services department that works one-on-one with students to help with interview preparation, networking and resume tutorials.

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