Great Opportunities for Certified Massage Therapists in Fort Collins

Are you thinking about becoming a massage therapist but are unsure of where to obtain the necessary education? At IBMC College, we can provide the training that you need in order to become a certified massage therapist, preparing you to work in a variety of facilities and locations. Our massage therapy program can prepare you in as little as 15 to 19 months to enter the expanding field of professional massage therapy.

One of the fastest growing areas for massage therapists in in sports medicine. From high school athletics to professional sports teams, massage is in high demand among those trying to stay on top of their games. Some sports teams even hire skilled massage therapists to work directly for them, providing exciting opportunities to travel as well as mingle with those in the sports industry. Other massage therapists work directly with physicians who specialize in sports medicine. Another option for those interested in providing massage therapy for sports related injuries and conditions is to get a job at a ski lodge.

If you have always dreamed of living and working at one of the world’s beautiful, exotic vacation destinations, certification in massage therapy can open that particular door. Exclusive resorts are always seeking skilled massage therapists to help cater to the needs of their guests. You could work at a sun-splashed tropical island, a beautiful National Park in the Rocky Mountains, or a wilderness retreat in the interior of Alaska. Because some of these resorts are open only on a seasonal basis, you could indulge your desire for wanderlust by working in the tropics during the winter before moving on to an alpine environment for the summer. You could even seek employment with a cruise ship line and travel the world in style.

Another of the advantages of obtaining a massage certification at a college in Fort Collins is that it equips you with the necessary skills to go into business for yourself. As more and more people discover the benefits of massage, opportunities for skilled massage therapists continue to grow. If you have ever wanted to own and operate your own business, now is an excellent time to open a massage studio.

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