IBMC Greeley College Awards High Achievement in Career Training Classes

Tube socks, neon flair and mullets were abundant at the Institute of Business & Medical Careers’ 1980’s Student Award Assembly, hosted  at the Greeley campus, 5400 West 11th Street, Suite #200 on August 30, 2012, for morning, afternoon and evening business, medical, legal and massage students.

IBMC Greeley awarded students for their “rad” performance in the classroom in the business programs, medical careers, massage courses and paralegal field.

Attendees were encouraged to wear 1980’s attire. Students received Tang, dessert and a variety of prizes throughout the event.

The following students, listed below, were honored at this session’s Student Assembly.

President’s List 4.0 GPA:
Samantha Armijo, Sherry Bennett, Dessa Boyle, Matthew Breuer, Paula Brown, Alexander Calvillo, Autumn Castillo, Ryan Cimbura, Samantha Clark, Rachel Einspahr, Teri Faulkner, Robert Freeman, Abigail    Held, Holly Hohnstein, Carol Lewis, Sarah Loffhagen, Montica Loft, Julie Maraden, Kristy Martin, Sara McMurray, Andraya Molina, Bianca Moncada-Ramirez, Dawnette North, Samantha Pedraza, Justina   Propes, Nina Riter, Jared Sanchez, Tiffany Sanchez, Heather Sayer India Schacht, Bobbie Smithey and Penny Strand

Medical Assisting Degree Greeley students eagerly await the awards assembly.
Medical Assisting Degree Greeley students eagerly await the awards assembly.

Dean’s List 3.5-3.9 GPA:
Lawrence Archuleta, Jena Bailey, Daniela Barrios-Morales, Melissa Blodgett, Contessa Bolton, Isaac Chavez, Claudia De La Cruz, DeAnna Dees, Geneva Dominguez, Wyonona Duarte, Rose Forrest, Samantha Gaines, Lorenzo Garcia, Jennifer Goddard, Kimberly Golightly, Alyssa Gonzales, Roberta Gonzales, Lorena Gonzalez, Cynthia Gonzalez-Calderon, Tessa Hayes, Emalyn Hermann, Melanie Herrera, Sarah Holm, Christina Jaramillo, Kaylee Jessee, Daniel Jones, Shana Kelly, Maureen Kintzley, Sasha Lara, Stephanie Lehman, Julie Lindeen, Stephanie Lopez, Teresa Marrufo, Rachal McCartney, Tanya Molina, Troy Montano, Kiabet Morales-Aragon, Nancy Moreno, Angela Morrow, Amanda Owens, Brandi Parent, Pamela Petersen, Ariana Ramirez, Melissa Read, Ricky Redfern, Brenda Satterthwait, Kandie Segura, Alta Sturgeon, Chelsea Talmadge, Justine Toxvard, Heather Vassar, Yolanda Villarreal, Justine Weber, Kirk West and Morgan Winter

Exceptional Attendance:
Marisa Aguilar, Lawrence Archuleta, Daniela Barrios-Morales, Sherry Bennett, Contessa Bolton Paula Brown, SaKora Bryan Hernandez, Alexander Calvillo, Autumn Castillo, Ryan Cimbura, DeAnna Dees, Geneva Dominguez, Teri Faulkner, Rose Forrest, Samantha Gaines, Kimberly Golightly, Jessica  Gomez, Roberta Gonzales, Abigail Held, Samantha Hernandez, Stephanie Hernandez, Orlando Herrera, Raymond Hesseltine, Sarah Holm, Christina Jaramillo, Maureen Kintzley, Julie Lindeen, Teresa Linnville, Julie Maraden, Ruben Martinez, Sara McMurray, Marie Melendez, Andraya Molina, Amanda Niccolai, Amanda Owens, Breanna Rios, Carlos Roel, Zackery Ryden, Bobbie Smithey, Chelsea Talmadge and Amy Tregoning

The Institute of Business and Medical Careers (IBMC) has been providing career training for 25 years. This college is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) and offers certificate, diploma and associate of occupational studies degrees in the following programs: business, healthcare, massage therapy and legal at the Fort Collins, CO; Longmont, CO; Greeley, CO and Cheyenne, WY locations.

For more information about accredited programs and other accelerated career-training courses at the IBMC Fort Collins, Colorado college campus, call (800) 495-2669 or

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