Adjunct Business Instructor Hired IBMC College

IBMC College has hired Tambra Shafer to Instruct for the Business Administration & Accounting Degree program at the Cheyenne campus, located at 1854 Dell Range Boulevard. Tambra-Shafer---Adjunct-Business---Cheyenne

Tambra Shafer will join IBMC College from her current position as a Substitute Teacher for Laramie Country School District 1 and 2 in Cheyenne, and Pine Bluff. Previously, Shafer was an Executive Assistant with the Wyoming State Board of Nursing, and held several positions, including an Instructor position in the United States Air Force between 1985 and 2010.

Shafer has three degrees and is currently working on her fourth. She holds two Associates of Applied Science degrees in Police Science and Instructor of Technology & Military Sciences. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, and is currently working on her Master of Arts degree in Secondary Education.

Tambra Shafer is a well-educated and experienced Instructor, her knowledge and skills will be a welcomed addition to the Cheyenne campus faculty.

Students in this program gain the practical skills needed to succeed in today’s ever-changing business world. Students will be challenged with hands-on assignment and courses that prepare them with business administration, accounting, communication, sales and marketing skills.

IBMC College’s Certificate, Diploma and Degree programs provide students with the skills they need to flourish in a business, cosmetology, dental, healthcare, personal fitness training, paralegal or massage career. At IBMC College, the student body is diverse and those with a strong desire to make a life change are welcomed.

For more information about IBMC Certificate, Diploma, and Degree Programs in Colorado and Wyoming, please visit or call (800) 495-2669.

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