Choosing a Dental Assisting Program: 4 Things to Look For

These days, the demand for dental professionals is extremely high, and that demand is only expected to grow with the population. For those who enjoy helping others and would like to be a part of the dental industry, working as a dental assistant can be an excellent option. After all, dental assistants make a comfortable living and generally only need a couple years of formal education and training before they can begin practicing. Before enrolling in a program at a dental college in the Fort Collins area, however, there are some things to be on the lookout for.


First and foremost, one’s education and degree won’t mean much of anything if the institute from which the degree was obtained isn’t accredited. This is the first thing one should look for when exploring any dental assisting program. Specifically, the program or college should be accredited by a reputable dental association.

Hands-On Experience

Another important thing to look for when exploring dental assisting programs is how much hands-on experience the program provides. While it’s true that textbook information is important, there’s no denying the effectiveness of hands-on learning. This is especially true when preparing for a job as a dental assistant, where so much of the work involves being hands-on with patients.

Financial Aid Options

For those who don’t necessarily have the money to pay for their tuition and fees up-front (which applies to most students these days), finding a dental college that offers some form of financial aid option is a must. For instance, the college may automatically consider students for scholarships based on performance, in addition to grants based on need. Furthermore, offering loans, payment plans, and other means of making payment easier is a must.

Flexible Scheduling

Since more and more students these days are attending school while also working or taking care of other obligations, it’s also a good idea to look for a dental assisting program that will allow them some scheduling flexibility. This could include offering some basic courses online or even having night courses available for enrollment.

When looking for a dental assisting program at a dental or healthcare college in the Fort Collins area, these are just a few important factors worth considering. From there, prospective students can choose the colleges and programs that are right for their needs and future aspirations.

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