Longmont Admissions Department spearheads new partnership with Walmart

A local branch of Walmart and IBMC College Longmont Campus have teamed up to offer Walmart employees a scholarship opportunity to attend IBMC College, thanks to the hard work of IBMC’s Longmont Admissions Representative Erica Scardino.

The scholarship builds off Walmart’s tuition reimbursement program with IBMC College doing a matching scholarship, if the employee meets the requirements. The amounts are:

  • If the student enrolls in any Degree program: $1,500
  • If the student enrolls in any Diploma program: $1,000
  • If the student enrolls in any Certificate program: $500

The scholarship is currently available at the Longmont campus, but IBMC hopes to roll out the scholarship to other campus locations if the scholarship does well at this starter campus.

If you would like to know more about the scholarship, contact Longmont Admissions Representatives Erica Scardino at [email protected] or Ashley Chrestman at [email protected].

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