IBMC is a Team Working Together Towards Student Success

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

What transforms a group of individuals into a team? This last weekend, I had been pondering that question with regard to family; my family is a team, with each member actively participating and contributing to our overall well-being and success as a group.

IBMC prepares students for business, medical, legal and massage careers throughout our Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming campuses!

As I walked onto our campus Monday morning, I realized that all those on campus at IBMC are parts of a kind of different team. Staff, faculty and students are all working towards the same goal, student success. But, each of us must contribute and cooperate in order to achieve that goal. As many of you are aware, IBMC is a different kind of college. We actively do our best to get students on the path toward a successful future that, without our presence, may not have been something they could envision.

However, in order for all teams to be at their peak of performance, there is give and take that must occur. Students should feel welcome to contribute to their college; it is, after all, the personalities and character that our students bring to the table that shape the college life around them. The staff and faculty depend on students to recommend ideas, contribute to the class environment, and inspire us to do our best for them, every day. I, personally, find the dedication of our students to be my daily source of inspiration. The students who come to me with a struggle or concern are the ones who shape my role in this team.

It is only in the mindset that we are all part of the same team, does the true meaning of what we do daily become clear. IBMC wouldn’t have as many lives being changed as we do today without our Admissions and Career Services Departments.

Nor would our college be as well represented in the community without the best efforts of the Marketing Department. If not for proper financial backing, many students wouldn’t be able to afford making their dreams come true. If classes couldn’t fit around family, work, soccer practice, etc. many students wouldn’t find the time to participate in class offerings. And, if it weren’t for a faculty that has their hearts in what they do-the students we help wouldn’t find the passion for the careers they are working so hard for. But, if it weren’t for the students themselves, the ones who search for ways to reach their goals-our team would crumble, there would be no ultimate goal, no realization of IBMC’s Mission Statement.

I am charging our students with their share of the mission; become active team players, continue to inspire the staff and faculty around you to do their best for you every day. Not because it is what we want to do, but because you are members of our team. I know that the team of IBMC staff, faculty and students are all aiming for the same goal, with cooperation and communication, we can achieve all that we aspire to do. That is why i encourage all students to get involved with your campus. Meet the new students, offer them the support that only you, as well seasoned academics, can offer. Talk to your support staff-let them know what is working well and what could be improved. Transform the campus where you attend classes into YOUR campus, a place you feel like you’ve made a mark, had an influence, and inspired others’ to success.

April Peterson, Guest Blog Contributor
Student Services Advisor, IBMC Longmont Campus

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