Peer Tutoring Program

What is a Peer Tutor?

The Peer Tutoring Program at IBMC College is dedicated to supporting students who need some assistance with classroom skills and concepts and desire to partner with another student versus an instructor.

How Can I Participate in this Program?

If you feel you need some additional support pertaining to the skills and assessments of the classes you are currently taking at IBMC College, reach out to the Student Success Coach at your campus.  The Coach will work for you to find a Peer Tutor who can assist you with the concepts, skills and necessary support to help you succeed.

If you feel as though you would like to participate in the Peer Tutoring Program by becoming a Peer Tutor, see the qualifications listed to get started today! Help someone else succeed in school.

Qualifications to become a Peer Tutor:
  • Student must have passed the class with a 4.0 or an A in the class
  • Student must possess a strong desire to want to help other students in a class he/she has been successful in
  • Student must be available to tutor students outside of class time
What are the benefits of Becoming a Peer Tutor?
  • Volunteer activity that counts toward ABK Honor Society requirements
  • A sense of helping others succeed
  • Volunteer activity that looks great on your resume and something you can refer to when interviewing for your new career once you graduate
  • Ability to make lifelong connections with other students outside of the classroom setting
  • Public recognition at IBMC College Graduation Ceremonies

If you have any questions pertaining to the Peer Tutoring Program (needing a tutor or wanting to become a tutor) at IBMC College or if you would like to participate in the program, please see your Student Success Coach at your campus today!

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