IBMC CAREER SERVICES We’re committed to helping you into your new career.


IBMC’s Career Services team is committed to helping you before and after graduation! Our team provides current students and graduates with the resources they need to market themselves effectively and become sought-after employees in the, healthcarecosmetologydental, and legal fields.

For more than 3 years, IBMC College has helped students take that first step to career training and the future they dreamed of for themselves and their families. We’ve developed and maintained close relationships with industry experts to ensure our curriculum is in sync with marketplace demands and that our graduates leave us equipped with the skills to be successful in their careers. Career Services also works to build ongoing, meaningful relationships with local businesses in order to identify their needs and match them with qualified IBMC College candidates. Our goal is to bridge the gap between our career-seekers and today’s employers, providing helpful career placement assistance.

From finding the right career path to finding the right employer after you graduate, IBMC College is committed to being your partner and helping you reach your goals.



IBMC College graduates are positioned to take advantage of new career opportunities in a variety of ways:

  • IBMC is actively engaged with employers in your field — both to understand their needs in developing programs, and to become their go-to source for new hires. We have a dedicated Career Services team focused on connecting IBMC graduates with available opportunities.
  • IBMC College focuses on in-demand careers — for 30 years and counting, we’ve evolved with the communities we serve — focusing on building skills employers are looking for


  • PREPARED for an entry-level role in their chosen field, because they’ve had unique opportunities to practice and master necessary skills by training on equipment and technology they’ll use in their new career
  • CONFIDENT in their abilities, because one-on-one attention and focused skill-building prepare them to launch new, fulfilling careers
  • SECURE in the knowledge that they possess in-demand skills, to create financial security for their families, and needed support in the communities they serve


Gain professional experience even before you graduate. You will have the opportunity to build the skills and confidence you’ll need to interact with your future clients, customers or patients.

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