IBMC Longmont Sees Change and Growth on the Horizon

Faculty Contribution


IBMC has asked me to throw my two cents into the blog mix, and those of you who know me, know once I get started it is hard to shut me up. So here goes.  I like to start with a good quote so here is one from a man who provided us with many a great ideas.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”   ― Winston S. Churchill

WOW!  Changes, growth, new opportunities, new challenges.  What fun we are having now!

One of the things I like best about IBMC is that it is a dynamic place that is constantly changing, growing, and offering new opportunities.   For example, we have more than doubled the classroom space at the Longmont Campus.  The increased space opens up many opportunities to enhance and customize the delivery of information to our students.  Change and growth with more on the horizon.

We are streamlining the management processes in the Education department to improve communication, improve schedules and improve satisfaction for both students and staff.  The changes and opportunities just keep on coming.

Change is the rock IBMC is built on.  “Caring Individuals. . .Changing Lives”.   We are here to provide the opportunity for change for our students.  Changes in careers, changes in goals and changes in life.  This is why I am here, and this is what drives our faculty and staff.

One more quote from my buddy Winston.
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. ― Winston S. Churchill

So I encourage you all, to accept change, embrace change and seek change to in order to grow and to achieve your goals.

Rick Jennings
Lead Allied Business Instructor/Assistant Campus Director
Institute of Business & Medical Careers
2315 N. Main Street
Longmont, CO

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