Trained Medical Assistants Perform Health Screenings at 9Health Fair in Longmont

9Health Fair offers discounted health screenings to the community, and IBMC College Longmont is getting involved by providing the organization with trained medical assistants, who will perform blood draws and blood pressure checks.  Additional IBMC student volunteers will be helping at the event, too.

The fair lasts from 7am-Noon at Front Range Community College, 2121 Miller Drive in Longmont on April 27th.

IBMC-College-Trained-Medical-Assistants-Longmont-ColoradoThe 9Health Fair offers more than 25 free and 7 low-cost health screenings.  Anyone 18 years and older is encouraged to attend and take advantage of the tools offered at the fair.

Basic screenings include: Blood Chemistry Screening (Blood Draw; Cost: $30.00), Prostate Specific Antigen Screening (Men Only Blood Draw; Cost: $25.00), Blood Count Screening (Blood Draw; Cost: $15.00), Vitamin D Screening (Blood Draw; Cost: $40.00), Hemoglobin A1c (Blood Draw; $25), Colon Cancer Screening Kit (Cost: $20.00), Blood Pressure Screening, Vision Screening, Ask a Medical Question and Get a Referral and Height/Weight/Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening.

Visit the 9Health Fair website for a complete list of health screenings and services.

IBMC College Longmont offers certificate, diploma and degree career training programs.  To learn more, fill out the form above or call (303) 651-6819.

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