IBMC Program Blogs

Adjunct Medical Assisting Instructor Hired at IBMC College

IBMC College has hired Anna Henry as an Adjunct Instructor for the Medical Assisting Degree program at the Longmont campus, located at 2315 N Main Street.  Anna Henry will join the IBMC College facility in addition to her current position as a CST/Medical Assistant at Front Range Orthopedics. Previously Henry worked as a Medical Assistant…

Studying Technology to Become More Employable

With computers, smart phones, tablets and other technological devices flooding the market, there needs to be people who can work with technology. The variety of jobs available in the field of technology are only limited by one's imagination. Consider that technology is a mainstay of the world today, and it becomes obvious why investing in…

IBMC College and Boulder Valley School District (CTEC) Sign Enrollment Agreement

IBMC College is pleased to announce the signing of an enrollment agreement with the Boulder Valley School District Career and Technical Education Center (CTEC) Cosmetology program. The agreement spells out the options CTEC students will have in attending IBMC College, and establishes a partnership between the two organizations. The agreement also outlines the criteria and…

Career Opportunities with a Medical Assisting Degree in Fort Collins, Colorado

The medical field is a diverse and ever expanding field in which to work. With the variety of career opportunities available, those obtaining a medical assisting degree in Fort Collins, Colorado find that they have plenty of choices when it comes to working within this dynamic field. From front desk jobs to surgical schedulers, people…

Adjunct Massage Therapy Instructor Added at IBMC College

IBMC College has hired Shayla Johnson as an Adjunct Massage Therapy Instructor at the Longmont campus, located at 2315 N Main Street.  Johnson will join the faculty of IBMC College in addition to her current roles. She is currently the Owner and Operator of Revive Massage in Loveland, and a Sales Associate at GoodHealthwill. Previously…

What Makes Medical Assisting a Great Career Choice?

With the aging of the population, the need for medical personnel has been skyrocketing. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act bringing insurance to more people, this demand has grown even more. Therefore, there are plenty of opportunities for someone to enter the field with a medical assisting degree from Cheyenne colleges. A medical assisting position…

Medical Assisting in Fort Collins, Colorado: A Degree Worth Pursuing

When one wants to work in a helping profession, a degree in medical assisting in Fort Collins, Colorado is a great degree to consider. If one is comfortable with hands-on work with patients, becoming a medical assistant can open many career doors for one's future. One will learn all kinds of tasks in order to…

What Duties are Performed by Medical Assistants?

Medical assistants are hired by doctor's offices, clinics, and hospitals to take care of common tasks that are unique to the medical field. In many cases, patients mistake them for nurses. After all, these assistants typically wear white coats and provide help to doctors. However, in modern times, the fields are typically considered to be…

Medical Assistants: An Important Career Across The Country

There are many people interested in the medical profession yet simply don't have the time to get involved in the intense formal training that is required. Yet they are not giving up on their medical dreams. Instead, they are becoming medical assistants. By obtaining their medical assistant degree in Fort Collins, they are offering much…

Cosmetology Students Provide Veterans with FREE Haircuts

Students at the Cheyenne School of Cosmetology provided local Veterans with FREE haircuts today. [caption id="attachment_18887" align="alignright" width="224"] Veterans received FREE haircuts at IBMC College![/caption] Freshly trained cosmetology students used their talents to provide Veterans from the Cheyenne Veterans Hospital with free haircuts on November 11th, 2015, in the IBMC College campus Student Beauty Clinic,…

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