Four Job Positions Found at Most Dental Offices

Going to a dental college in Fort Collins is an excellent way to give your career a boost.  Whether you’re fresh out of high school or already in your 50s, it’s never too late to enter into the dental industry.  Best of all, there are many job positions for you to choose from.  Here’s a closer look at four job positions found in almost all dental offices.


All dental offices have to have at least one licensed dentist as part of the staff.  To become a dentist, you’ll need to complete anywhere from eight to 12 years of schooling.  The work is rewarding and the accompanying pay tends to be in the six digits.  Many dentists choose to open their own dentist offices, which gives them the advantage of being able to work according to their own schedules.

Administrative Secretary

The duties of an administrative secretary consist of answering the phone, setting up appointments, filing insurance claims and much more.  In this line of work, you wouldn’t work directly with patients in a medical setting.  Instead, you would interact with them in the front office.  Your organizational skills need to be top-notch and you need an ability to work with computer software programs.  From patient data to scheduling calendars, almost all front office tasks involve computer software.

Dental Hygienist

In order to become a dental hygienist you’ll need to complete an accredited program.  Without proper accreditation, your degree won’t be of much value.  As a dental hygienist you’ll perform a variety of medical tasks, including cleaning teeth, prepping for oral surgeries, filling cavities and more.  Many dental hygienist programs can be completed in as little as two years.  Fast track programs can help you graduate even quicker.

Dental Assistant

A dental assistant acts as a liaison between dentists, hygienists and front office staff.  Most dental assistants cannot perform medical tasks other than flossing teeth and checking them for stains and cavities.  There is not much medical training involved in dental assisting because dental assistants by law cannot perform most dental medical tasks.  This job position does however give you the opportunity to work both in the front and back offices at a dental office.

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