Larimer County Students Excel at IBMC Fort Collins College

Northern Colorado Students Earn Dean’s List Honors at the Institute of Business & Medical Careers

IBMC Fort Collins College Super Bowl Awards Assembly
The IBMC Fort Collins college campus hosted the Super Bowl Awards Assembly on January 31, 2013.

The Institute of Business & Medical Careers held a Student Awards Assembly for the Fort Collins college, where twenty-six students achieved a grade point average of 3.5-3.9., earning each one a spot on the Dean’s List.

To be eligible for the Dean’s List, IBMC students must be enrolled in the Business, Medical, Legal or Massage programs at the Fort Collins campus, located at 3842 South Mason Street.

Dean’s List 3.5-3.9 GPA by City:
Fort Collins
: Justin Adams, Shirley Aragon, Samantha Bridges, Kacie Covert, Ashley Daly, Lynae Dixon, Amanda Ellis, Kristi Ellis, Ashley Ganje, Shaylin Imlay, Elad Israeli, Dani Jeffress, Ron McDowell, Jillian Odom, Darian Ramos, Tawnya Ream, Mari Rodrequez-Arredondo, Karl Schwarz, Elizabeth Snyder and Jancie Stewart

Loveland: Mike Brown, Rebecca Champion, Yesenia Garcia, Lanette Henry and Brenda Schee

Wellington: Miriam Zapata

IBMC Fort Collins, located at 3842 South Mason Street, is currently enrolling for college classes now. For more information about career training contact, call (970) 223-2669 or dial (800) 495-2669.


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