Pursue a Medical Assisting Degree at Cheyenne College

Train to become a medical assistant with accelerated classes from IBMC College in Cheyenne, WY.

Do you have a passion for helping others? With a Medical Assisting Degree from the Cheyenne College location, you train to become a medical assistant in as little as 19 months, and begin working in a field where you make a difference in the lives of patients!

In the classroom, you will learn the procedures and processes for working in the front office through a variety of teaching methods. While lecturing and computer work is a component of the coursework, in the medical assisting program you will gain valuable skills through more hands-on training techniques, including injections, suture removals, blood draws, phlebotomy and casting.Medical Assisting Degree Blog

It’s common for medical assisting students to explore the inner workings of the body through anatomy dissection on select body parts, such as cow hearts and pigs feet, giving you a greater depth of knowledge into the inner workings of the body.

Beyond the slicing and dicing, you put your training to the test at a variety of community events through performing healthcare-related services on the general public, overseen by a qualified instructor, at the 9Health Fair and Open House events.

In the last five weeks of the program, you take all that you have learned and put it to practice in an externship at medical-related practice, may that be at the local hospital, physician’s practice or nursing facility.  And, upon successful completion of the coursework and testing, you will become a Nationally Certified Medical Assistant!

With the campus being centrally-located at 1854 Dell Range Boulevard, near the bus route and popular shopping and restaurant areas, commuting is convenient for people of all types: working parents, military spouses, individuals and those who have partial or full-time jobs.

Don’t put your passion on hold any longer!  Stop in today, or make an appointment to tour the campus to learn more about the Medical Assisting program in Cheyenne, WY at IBMC College. Fill-out the form above or call (307) 433-8363.

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