Student Spotlight: Nathan Mann, Longmont Massage School Student

This week, the Student Spotlight shines on Nathan Mann, a student in the Therapeutic Massage program at IBMC College in Longmont, CO.

In an effort to highlight the dedicated students that make our campuses so awesome, IBMC College has created the Student Spotlight feature, which is shared on our blog, Facebook page and Twitter page. This feature showcases Student of the Quarter winners and allows current and prospective students to get to know the people that they might run into in the hallways!

We want YOU to know that a college education is accessible for everyone…and the array of Student Spotlights demonstrates that the “IBMC student” can be anyone who’s ready for a career change!

Here’s how Nathan Mann answered our Student Spotlight questionnaire:

1.      What was the main factor that motivated you to attend IBMC College? What program are you enrolled in? The main factor that motivated me to join IBMC was waking up everyday, going to a dead-end job and thinking, “I’m better than this.” I am in the Therapeutic Massage program.

2.      What is the one thing you enjoy most about being a student at IBMC? One thing that I really enjoy about being a student at IBMC is all of the support I get from fellow students, staff and teachers.

3.      Student of the Quarter is nominated by peers. What do you do to inspire your fellow classmates? The thing that I do to inspire my classmates is smile!

4.      Who inspires YOU? My inspiration is my mom.

5.      Describe IBMC in 5 words or less. Institute of Business & Medical Careers. I’m just kidding…in 5 words, IBMC means “vital stepping stone for life” to me.

6.     What was the last movie you watched? Good Will Hunting was the last movie I watched.

7.     What is one zany/crazy fact about yourself that most students would not know? Secret talents, have you ever been on TV, etc? A crazy fact about me is that I love life, the good and the bad. It all makes me whole.

If you’re interested in training at IBMC College for a life-changing career, fill out the form in the upper right-hand corner of this page to get started now! Or, visit our site for more info!

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