Accredited Colleges

3 Healthcare Careers to Feel Great About

in Healthcare Careers
August 10, 2015

There’s no better feeling than when you believe your work is making a positive difference in someone’s life. Here are three healthcare careers you can feel great about: 1. Massage Therapist Massage therapy is a career you can enter with a high school education combined with a massage therapist certification from an accredited learning institution, such…

Outlook is Bright for Medical Billing and Coding Careers

in Medical Billing
August 09, 2015

Among healthcare careers, medical billing and coding is a rapidly growing specialty.  Hundreds, if not thousands of programs throughout the United States prepare individuals for these careers. If students live in Colorado, Fort Collins offers college programs that can prepare them for medical billing and coding jobs. What Medical Billers and Coders Do These specialists perform…

How to Pursue Careers in Big Data

in General Resources
August 08, 2015

As the world continues to do everything online, more and more data is being transferred from one source to the next. Big data is a cliché term that describes the amount of traditional and digital data that surrounds a company. In order to handle all this data, a company must understand how to store it.…

How to Find a College in Longmont with a Focus On the Future

in General Resources
August 07, 2015

Many modern students do not have the luxury of heading off to college without a solid plan for the future. Students on a tight budget with a career-focused deadline prefer schools that focus on career training. In Longmont career colleges offer students a variety of programs plus affordable tuition rates. Instead of attending a 4 year university,…

Is it Worth it to Earn an Official Cosmetology Diploma?

in Cosmetology
July 17, 2015

In some areas, it is common for people to "do hair" at home. When it's time to take this to a truly professional level, however, they find that nobody wants to hire them or give them a business license. What's the problem? In a nutshell, the big issue is the lack of a cosmetology license.…

Exciting Support Positions in the Dental Industry

in Dental Careers
July 16, 2015

Every dentist's office has at least one hygienist or dental assistant, and most have multiple people in these positions. Thanks to the high number of dental offices, this means that there are plenty of opportunities for those with the right skills. Those skills can be learned when students enter a program at a Fort Collins…

Why Choose a Career College Over a University?

in General Resources
July 14, 2015

To many people, the idea of college conjures up images of huge campuses full of people who are studying for degrees that take at least four years to obtain. This, however, is actually only accurate for some institutions. Other colleges specialize in preparing people for professions like dental assistant, paralegal, or advanced tech support. These…

Get Licensed for a Profession by Taking a Career Program at a Local College

in General Resources
July 13, 2015

Many careers require licensing to enter, but this isn't a tall hurdle to get past with the help of the right college in Fort Collins. There, students can find colleges dedicated to providing the education needed to pass licensing exams, certification tests, and other such requirements. It is important to note that career colleges don't…

Tech Support Careers Offer Opportunities to be a Hero

in General Resources
July 11, 2015

Everyone has had the displeasure of dealing with tech support people who can only read off of a script and actually know nothing about the product they're trying to help with. The problem is that these people are what the industry refers to as "Level 1" tech support. In short, they're there to weed out…

Top Educational Options Other Than Universities

in General Resources
July 10, 2015

There are several types of colleges near Cheyenne, WY, and student satisfaction depends on choosing the one that will help meet the student's long-term goals. Here's a quick guide to help with that choice: Community Colleges These institutions offer a few short-term programs, but they are mostly set up to provide the first two years'…