Cowboys and Cowgirls Were Rounded-Up for a Western BBQ Assembly at IBMC Longmont
Giddy-up, partner! The Institute of Business & Medical Careers hosted a Student Appreciation Assembly at the Longmont campus, 2315 North Main Street on June 14th. All students were provided a delicious barbeque lunch, many received prize give-aways. Top scholars and devoted students received academic and attendance awards.

President’s List 4.0 GPA:
Michelle Amos, Felecia Balderston, Tracey Black, Brandon Blick, Beth Boyer, Kristina Carney-Ashby, Linda Collinson, Karen Copen, Jeanette Crespo, Antonia Derrera, Raymond Detwiler, Jessica Dismang, Bobbi Drish, Jennifer Ebeling, Shayleen Elenz, Regina Fishback, Melanie Frank, Sheena Garrison, Kimberly Gibert, Jessica Goen, Katrina Graves, Kimberly Green, Vanessa Gutierrez-Chavez, Shandra Hergenreter, Kylie-Jeane Hofferber, Lauren Hopp, Jodi Jenkins, Sarah Klein, Danya Kudsi, Janet Kuseski, Joanie Latin, Ana Lee-Perez, Tawnie Lewis, Haily Libal, Barbara Lopez-Hinojos, Nicole Lover, Theresa Mackenzie, Nathan Mann, Debra Mattern, Paige Meeks, Susan Menges, Heather Mewis, Nicole Muth, Dakota Newbrey, Rita Nunez, Amy Oliver, Alyxandra Olson, Kaitlyn Prescott, Wanda Prescott, Crystal Railsback, Tricia Ramirez, Sarahi Ramirez-Lara, James Reeves, Deysi Rojo George Romero, Sheree Romero, Brittany Rose,

Andrea Ross, Kelley Rothleutner, Jessica Schulz, Stephanie Schulze, Lesley South, Brandy Stanford, Mandy Steed, Veronica Taberna, Michelle Thomas, Priscilla Thompson, Vanessa Trevino, Robert Tudor, Lacey Urbain, Brissa Valdez, Isabella Valle and Michael Wood
Dean’s List 3.5-3.9 GPA:
Jessica Alvidrez, Emily Bachmeier, Stephen Barros, Valencia Bautista, Jessica Chapman, Meranda Cheeks, Amanda Chenoweth, Ashley Conklin, Tonya Copley, Alison Entzel, Nicole Fleck, Erika Freeman, Brandon Gail, Leiah Goss, Jason Green, Cassandra Haley, Heidi Henke, Nicole Jarrett, Christine Krouse, Maria Mejia, Maria Mendez, Griselda Molina, Kimberly Morgan, Savannah Ortega, Barbara Ramirez-Perez, Jennifer Roberts, Tara Roeder, Laura Russell-Sinor, Mayra Ruvalcaba, Ryan Sais, Cathi Schumann, Brittany Smith, Cristina Soto, Allyson Stauffer, Camila Szczepkowski and Yomara Venegas
Exceptional Attendance:
Jessica Alvidrez, Michelle Amos, Felecia Balderston, Norma Barron, Stephen Barros, Tracey Black, Amanda Chenoweth, Karen Copen, Jeanette Crespo, Raymond Detwiler, Andrew Freas, Erika Freeman, Jessica Goen, Jason Green, Vanessa Gutierrez-Chavez, Tauni Hamilton, Sara Hardenburgh, Sara Hardenburgh, Kylie-Jeane Hofferber, Rebekah Jackson, Cynthia James, Christine Krouse, Janet Kuseski, Haily Libal, Jolene Martinez, Maria Mejia, Maria Mendez, Susan Menges, Nicole Muth, Tricia Ramirez, Barbara Ramirez-Perez, James Reeves, Sheree Romero, Deanna Sais, Whitney Scheetz Jessica Schulz, Erica Smith, Brandy Stanford, Veronica Taberna, Priscilla Thompson, Brissa Valdez and Charity Vigil
Rising Star by Session:
Morning: Lyndsee Sanchez
Afternoon: Eduardo Macias
Evening: Nicole Williams
Star Student by Session:
Morning: Kelley Rothleutner
Afternoon: Adrianne Perez
Evening: Kylie-Jean Hofferber
Student of the Quarter:
Morning: Paige Meeks
Afternoon: Pricsilla Thompson
Evening: Brandon Gail
Faculty of the Quarter:
Rick Jennings
The Institute of Business and Medical Careers (IBMC) offers Diploma and Associate of Occupational Studies Degree Programs in business, medical, legal and massage therapy. IBMC is currently enrolling students for upcoming classes.
For more information about IBMC educational programs at the Fort Collins, Greeley, Longmont or Cheyenne campuses, call IBMC at (800) 495-2669 or go on-line