Teacher Feature – Glenn Boychuk


Glenn Boychuk is an Instructor at the Longmont campus and recently won an award for Faculty of the Quarter, so we wanted to get to know him a little better with the Teacher Feature.

1) What do you do, or what did you do, as a profession when you’re not teaching? And for how long have you done this? When I am not teaching, I am a full time Real Estate Broker. Going on 16 years!

2) What is the one thing you enjoy most about teaching? Grading papers of course! Seriously though, spending time in class with the students helping them.

3) What is one thing that you say or do that inspires students to succeed? I try to give the students “real world/business” examples pertaining to the material we are studying

4) Who inspires YOU? All of the students who “bust theirs butts” juggling school, work, family, and social lives.

5) Describe IBMC in 5 words or less. Stepping stone to greater lives

6) What was the last movie you watched? Minions

7) If you woke up tomorrow with the means to travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? I would go across the USA in a motorhome to visit each state and the capital of each state.

8) What is one zany/crazy fact about yourself that most students would not know? Secret talents, have you ever been on TV, etc? I have played in the World Series of Poker three times in the past ten years, and have won exactly zero dollars.

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