4 Biggest Beauty Secrets From Celebrities’ Make Up Artists

If you’re considering a career in cosmetology, look to the industry experts for examples and tricks of the trade. When it comes to beauty, celebrity makeup artists know all the secrets. Not every celebrity is naturally beautiful, and there are many tricks to getting your favorite client camera-ready. Beauty schools in Longmont appreciate the talents of legendary celebrity makeup artists. If you want to learn what it takes to make up the stars, you can attend a Longmont beauty school and learn all of these secrets.

Instant Lift

After long evenings of parties and after-parties, celebrities often arrive for photo shoots looking less than fresh. Celebrity makeup artist Lisa Eldridge, who once made up Kylie Minogue’s face for an Elle magazine cover, uses a highlighting brow pencil to combat the look of a tired face. A carefully blended thin application directly under eyebrow arches lifts and wakens up the eyes.

Natural is Sometimes Better

Troy Jenson is not one to be ostentatious. When this celebrity makeup artist makes up natural born beauties like Miranda Kerr and Elle MacPherson, he often uses a light touch with neutral colors. As women age, they have a tendency to go a little heavy-handed with makeup, especially around the eyes and eyebrows. If you’re not careful, your client could wind up with caterpillar eyebrows resembling Joan Crawford’s in “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.” The natural look is usually better for many women. Opt for neutral tones with tiny hints of color.

Make a Statement with Red Lips

Celebrity makeup artist Angela Levin recognizes the power of red. When she made up Sandra Bullock for the 2010 Oscars, she made a last minute change to the planned color pallet. Acting on intuition that Sandra was going to win that night, Angela suggested a stand out red lip hue. You’ll often see another of Angela’s clients, Nicole Kidman, sporting red when she wants to feel especially confident. Don’t be afraid of making a statement on your clients with a pop of unexpected color.

Don’t Skip the First Step

Think of making up your client’s face like you are going to paint a wall. You wouldn’t paint the wall without first priming it, right? Makeup artist Pati Dubroff is lucky enough to work with the flawless complexions of many stars, including Naomi Watts. Still, she emphasizes the need to prep the skin before applying foundation. After cleansing and hydrating the face, Pati uses a makeup base and primer.  Makeup primers do more than smooth pores and hide imperfections. They give the foundation something to adhere to, making any makeup look great and last longer.


Keep these celebrity tricks in mind when you’re attending cosmetology college in Longmont. You can work your way up to an outstanding career, and who knows, one day you could be running your own salon, or even become makeup artist to the stars. It all starts with a great education and applying what you learned to make your clients look their best under a variety of circumstances.

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