IBMC Announces President’s List at the Greeley College Campus

The Institute of Business & Medical Careers Congratulates This Session’s Students, who Received Honors, for Scholastic Achievement in Business, Legal, Medical and Massage Programs

Students, disguised as ghosts, zombies and other “ghoulish” figures, were treated to a Halloween Student Award Assembly at the Institute of Business & Medical Careers‘ Greeley campus on Wednesday, October 31st.

In the spirit of Halloween, students were encouraged to dress up in costume. Awards were presented for academic honors, best costume and, of course, treats were abundant.

Students who have achieved placement on the President’s List 4.0 grade point average:
Samantha Armijo, Daniela Barrios Morales, Sherry Bennett, Contessa Bolton, Autumn Bostron, Dessa Boyle, Matthew Breuer, Paula Brown, Staci Caddy, Alexander Calvillo, Almira Carmona, Cassondra Chavez, Ryan Cimbura, Samantha Clark, DeAnna Dees, Wyonona Duarte, Rachel Einspahr, Rose Forrest, Lorenzo Garcia, Jessica Gomez, Yvonne Gonzales, Abigail Held, Emalyn Hermann, Melanie Herrera, Sarah Holm, Daniel Jones, Karen Lehman, Montica Loft, Julie Maraden, Cierra Marostica, Teresa Marrufo, Kristy Martin, Sara McMurray, Vanessa Medina, Nancy Moreno, Angela Morrow, Dawnette North, Erica Ostler, Brandi Parent, Samantha Pedraza, Justina Propes, Maria Quintero, Ricky Redfern, Jared Sanchez, Heather Sayer, Alta Sturgeon, Chelsea Talmadge, Heather Vassar, Tiffany Weber and Lindsey Woodall

The Institute of Business and Medical Careers (IBMC) offers is nationally accredited by the Accrediting Council of Independent Colleges and Schools. This college offer Diploma and Associate of Occupational Studies Degree Programs in Business, Legal, Medical and Therapeutic Massage fields.

IBMC is currently enrolling students for the November 26th class start. For more information about the educational programs at the Greeley, Fort Collins, Longmont  and Cheyenne campuses, call (800) 495-2669 or visit us on-line at

Institute of Business and Medical Careers (IBMC)
Holli Milenski, Marketing Manager
Phone: (970) 223-2669 Ext. 503
Fax: (970) 223-2796
[email protected]

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