Massage Therapy Heals the Soul and Makes a Difference in the Life of a Child

Mary Scherden comes to discover the benefits of massage therapy, as she seeks out treatment to help her young son cope with Autism, AD/HD and Sensory Processing Disorder.

As the busy mother of five children and the newest Therapeutic Graduate Massage Clinic Coordinator at IBMC College in Cheyenne, WY, Mary Scherden knows first-hand the benefits of massage therapy.

Early in her youngest son’s life, he was diagnosed with Autism, AD/HD and Sensory Processing Disorder. As a mother struggling to help her son and understand what her little boy was facing each day, the child’s Occupational Therapist suggested she explore massage therapy as a way to better regulate the world of her seven month old baby.

Make a difference with a career in massage therapy!“After searching for a pediatric massage therapist and finding the closest one was in Denver, I searched the internet to find videos and information to help guide me through learning the massage routine,” states Scherden.

Once discovering the power of massage and working with her son regularly with treatments she read about online or watched on YouTube, she saw her little guy begin to thrive and discovered that she had a sincere passion for massage therapy.

Massage began to make such an extreme impact on the life of my boy and the lives of my family members. From this experience, I decided that after almost 28 years as an early childhood professional, I would switch gears, practice and become a Massage Therapist,“ exclaimed Scherden.

Shortly thereafter, she enrolled in IBMC College’s Therapeutic Massage program at the Cheyenne, Wyoming campus in 2011, with the intention of working directly with children and families. However, once practicing her craft during her externship, she personally experienced the benefits of massage and began branching out to adults with illnesses and injuries.

After graduating from IBMC College earlier this year and closing the doors of her own child care business, she opened Every Body Massage in Cheyenne, where she is currently using her new skills to work with people from all walks of life.

“In my own practice, I work with parents of infants and children, supporting and helping them to learn different massage techniques that might help their own little person interpret their world a little easier.”

In addition, she works with early childhood educators and caregivers by holding workshops and classes about massage, health and wellness, teaching individuals how to better care and nurture themselves to avoid stress and burnout.

Believing the “power of touch” reaches far beyond the obvious benefits, she looks forward to expanding her knowledge to students, externs and graduates in IBMC Graduate Clinic and helping others recover as they work their way towards a more balanced, less pain filled life.

To learn how you can become a licensed Massage Therapist in Wyoming or Colorado, visit IBMC College’s School of Massage & Healing Arts’ webpage or call (800) 495-2669.

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