Teacher Feature: Angi Vargas, Longmont Healthcare Program Instructor

Angi Vargas, healthcare instructor at the Longmont campus of IBMC College, is honored in this week’s Teacher Feature.

At IBMC, we make it our mission to provide students with encouraging instructors that posses real-world experience in the fields in which they teach. Not only do our instructors teach our students, but they help to shape the way these students view themselves, academically and professionally.  To highlight these inspiring faculty members,  IBMC has created the “Teacher Feature.”  Become a fan on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and link up with us on LinkedIn to leave your comments and show your support for these influential instructors!

Angi Vargas, Longmont college instructor
Longmont instructor, Angi Vargas, accepts her award for Faculty Member of the Quarter.

This week, IBMC College recognizes Angi Vargas for her influential and inspiring teaching style! With a wealth of knowledge and years of experience as a Medical Assistant, Angi incorporates real-world examples into her curriculum.  She helps students understand the situations they’ll encounter in the workplace and pushes students to excel in the classroom! Recently, Angi Vargas was recognized by her students and named Faculty of the Quarter at the Longmont college.

Here’s how Angi answered our “Teacher Feature” questionnaire:

1)      What do you do, or what did you do, as a profession when you’re not teaching?  I was an office-based MA for 22 years before teaching full time.  I worked primarily in orthopedics, but also did brief stints in occ. med, internal med, and plastic and reconstructive surgery.

2)      What is the one thing you enjoy most about teaching? Seeing the confidence build in the students.  I love watching them go from being tentative and unsure, to instructing their peers on the skills.

3)      What is one thing that you say or do that inspires students to succeed?  I tell them to be confident and not give up.  Also to stay positive.

4)      Who inspires YOU?  I am inspired by the students that have family responsibilities and jobs and still manage to have good grades and work ethics.

5)      Describe IBMC in 5 words or less.  Caring, enthusiastic, fun, motivational.

6)      What was the last movie you watched?  Captain Phillips

7)      If you woke up tomorrow with the means to travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?  I would love to go back to the Bahamas, where my husband of 22 years and I honeymooned.

8)      What is one zany/crazy fact about yourself that most students would not know? Secret talents, have you ever been on TV, etc?  I was a competitive soccer player and coach, as well as a referee.  I have traveled to Canada, Virginia, California, and New Mexico to play or coach in tournaments.

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