Adjunct Business Administration Instructor hired at IBMC College in Colorado Springs

IBMC College has hired Tequetta Bravo as an Adjunct Instructor in the Business Administration program at the Colorado Springs campus, located at 6805 Corporate Drive. Tequetta

Tequetta Bravo will join IBMC College from Colorado Springs School District 11, where she has been an Educator since 2010.  Bravo was previously employed with Harrison School District 2, where she worked as both a Clinical Teacher and a Curriculum Development Specialist. She has also been an Educator at School District 8 in Fountain, Colorado.

Bravo attended (UCCS) University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English.

Tequetta will be a great addition to the Colorado Springs faculty, she is a growth- oriented Educator with vast experience in curriculum, coaching, and mentoring students to accomplish their best.

Students in the Business Admin program gain the practical skills needed to succeed in today’s ever-changing business world. Students are challenged with hands-on assignment and courses that prepare them with business administration, accounting, communication, sales and marketing skills

IBMC College’s Certificate, Diploma and Degree programs provide you with the skills you need to flourish in a business, cosmetology, dental, healthcare, personal fitness training, paralegal or massage career. At IBMC College, our student body is diverse and we welcome those with a strong desire to make a life change.

For more information about our Certificate, Diploma, and Degree Programs at IBMC College in Colorado and Wyoming, please visit or call (800) 495-2669.

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