General Resources

Studying Technology to Become More Employable

in General Resources
November 17, 2015

With computers, smart phones, tablets and other technological devices flooding the market, there needs to be people who can work with technology. The variety of jobs available in the field of technology are only limited by one's imagination. Consider that technology is a mainstay of the world today, and it becomes obvious why investing in…

Who Choose a Technology College?

in General Resources
October 27, 2015

With so many people pushing for four year degrees in this day and age, the decision to choose a technology college may seem a bit off the beaten path. That doesn’t mean it’s the wrong decision to make though. In fact, there are many reasons it may be the right decision, like those mentioned below.…

3 Things to Look for in a Career Institute

in General Resources
September 12, 2015

When it comes to building or advancing a career, there are lots of choices. Many career institutes offer a quality education, but only some have what it takes to back up those claims. Education can be expensive, so students need to be choosy about where they spend their education dollars. Here are three things to…

What to Look for in a Technology College

in General Resources
September 11, 2015

Once upon a time, Cheyenne students had two choices after high school. It was either moving on to a four-year college or taking the fast track to a dead end job. Today’s students have other options available to them. One option comes in the form of attending a technology college in Cheyenne. These are a…

A Fast Track to a Good Future Starts with Choosing the Right College

in General Resources
September 08, 2015

Traditional universities and four-year degrees are not the right choices for everyone. Depending on circumstances, many people find the idea of getting a degree from a technology college in Cheyenne to be far more appealing. In fact, lots of people benefit by pursuing career paths that allow them to enter the workforce faster. Many lucrative…

Important Items for Each Student’s Calendar at a New Technology College

in General Resources
September 06, 2015

Busy students best serve themselves by staying on top of all the essential schedules at any of the colleges in Cheyenne, WY. Each college has its own standards and requirements about which students need to stay apprised. The educational experience is fluid, as long as students create a clear pathway for themselves by not letting…

Lower Stress Options for College

in General Resources
September 05, 2015

For some families, college stress can start almost as soon as a child is born -- and in some cases even sooner. Some parents search desperately for the right preschool, which they hope will lead to opportunities for their child to go to excellent elementary and high schools that will boost the child's chances of…

Sharp College Students Learn the Background of Their Chosen School

in General Resources
September 04, 2015

Savvy college students understand that there is more to attending college in Fort Collins, Colorado than simply going to classes and earning a degree. While these goals are understandably essential, many students want to learn more about their Fort Collins college and what it has to offer them, as consumers. Since so many students work…

Things to Think About Before Choosing a Program at a Career College

in General Resources
September 03, 2015

Even though many people think of long educational paths when they hear the word "college," it's quite possible to get a degree or diploma without spending four, six, or eight years in classrooms. Career colleges focus on preparing students to enter the professional world quickly and often have programs that last two years or less.…

How to Enter a High Growth Health Care Career in Less than Two Years

in General Resources
September 01, 2015

Health care careers are some of the highest growth professions one can enter today. If you're looking to get into the workforce more quickly than you could by pursuing a university degree, IBMC in Fort Collins, CO (plus other IBMC locations) can train you in as little as 15-19 months* to become a Nationally Certified…