Fact: Companies Employ Candidates that Maintain a Positive Attitude

In preparing students to be ideal candidates for hire when they hit the job market, the Institute of Business & Medical Careers has created the I.M.P.A.C.T.S. program. Designed to encourage the development of “soft skills,” in addition to the development of “hard skills” that students learn through IBMC’s hands-on training, I.M.P.A.C.T.S. highlights 7 employee traits deemed important by employers around the Northern Colorado and Wyoming communities.

Beginning July 9, IBMC will be initiating a new habit of the I.M.P.A.C.T.S. programs, Positive Attitude. As stated by Diana Gunderson, Vice President of Education, “Attitude is very important in the workplace, as it sets the tone for success in any career field our students embark upon.  Having an attitude of gratitude is one that will serve students (future employees) well when interacting with bosses and peers.”

At IBMC, we realize that, today, employers are seeking candidates that embody a well-rounded combination of technical training and professionalism, positivity, and the ability to creatively problem-solve. We want to prepare our students for these expectations and encourage them to:

  • avoid negativity
  • be optimistic
  • be aware of voice tone
  • continue to learn
  • inspire others
  • make eye contact
  •  smile
  • take responsibility
  • be cognizant of body language

Whether seeking a career or just looking to better oneself, IBMC stands behind the notion that students’ development of these “soft skills” will contribute to their overall success.

To read more about the advantages of possessing “soft skills” as a job hunter, we encourage you to read, “Top 10 Soft Skills for Job Hunters.”

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