IBMC College Hires Adjunct Personal Fitness Training Instructor in Colorado Springs

IBMC College has hired Jacquelynn Black to Instruct in the Personal Fitness Training program at the Colorado Springs campus, located at 6805 Corporate Drive. Jacquelynn-Black

Jacquelynn Black will join IBMC College from Pinnacle Sport and Fitness Center, where she has been a Head Coach and Owner since 2009.  Black is also currently a Senior Instructor and Student Support Specialist at the National Personal Training Institute.

Black holds several degrees, including two Bachelors of Science degrees from the University of Wisconsin. One in Exercise Science, and the other in Community Health Education. Jacquelynn also has a Master of Science degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.

Black’s extensive education, her industry knowledge, and her experience with fitness training and support will make her a valued addition to the faculty at the Colorado Springs campus.

Students enrolled in the Personal Training certification program will learn the skills needed to: observe participants and guide skill improvement, plan routines and choose different movements for each set of muscles, teach proper breathing techniques to use during physical exertion, and provide information and resources regarding nutrition, weight control and lifestyle issues.

IBMC College’s Certificate, Diploma and Degree programs provide you with the skills you need to flourish in a business, cosmetology, dental, healthcare, personal fitness training, paralegal or massage career. At IBMC College, our student body is diverse and we welcome those with a strong desire to make a life change.

For more information about our Certificate, Diploma, and Degree Programs at IBMC College in Colorado and Wyoming, please visit or call (800) 495-2669.

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