IBMC Thanks Local Employers for Advisory Board Contributions
The Institute of Business & Medical Careers Appreciates the Valuable Feedback Garnered from Local Employers at the Biannual IBMC Advisory Board Meetings
On November 9, 2012, employers from Fort Collins, CO; Longmont, CO; Greeley, CO; and Cheyenne, WY, were invited to local IBMC campuses for the biannual Advisory Board meetings. Attendees were provided lunch and asked to give feedback about the qualities they desire in potential job candidates.

A variety of topics were discussed, including personal appearance on the job, reading and writing skills, and even phone etiquette. An open dialogue was created and employers from a number of different businesses and companies were encouraged to voice their opinions and interact with one another, as well as campus staff and faculty.
IBMC feels very strongly that the commentary provided by these employers gives great insight into how IBMC career college can provide the best possible training for students in our healthcare, massage, business, and legal programs. We thank local employers for their attendance and feedback! IBMC will remain committed to training not only capable employees, but employees with the skills that will enable them to be successful in their new career!