Lights! Camera! Action! IBMC College Films its Latest Commercial
The Institute of Business and Medical Careers Shoots New Commercial with Current IBMC Students on November 30, 2012
IBMC career college is excited to announce that our latest commercial is being filmed today! Art Direction Manager, Kirk Alberts, with assistance from the IBMC Marketing Team, will be on set all day filming current IBMC students discussing the factors that led to them choosing this institution as an avenue to pursue higher education and career training in healthcare, massage, legal, and business.

At IBMC, we understand that you, as prospective students, have a variety of choices when it comes to choosing a college. We’re thrilled about the opportunity to showcase the factors that set IBMC apart from the competition and why our college just might be the perfect fit for you!
Don’t forget to tune into the IBMC Facebook page for some behind-the-scene photos from today’s commercial shoot! Lights! Camera! Action!