Fort Collins-Owned Accredited Career College Continues to Change Lives

IBMC College has been delivering life-changing career training to its students since it was founded in 1987. For more than a quarter of a century, students have come to this institution in order to gain access to the educational resources they need to further their current careers or even start down an entirely new career…

IBMC Career Training College Prepares for Alpha Beta Kappa Induction

Students, who have achieved high honors in business, cosmetology, dental, IT/computer support, healthcare, massage and paralegal programs will be inducted into the Alpha Beta Kappa National Honor Society on March 28th. IBMC career training college will be inducting students into the Alpha Beta Kappa National Honor Society on Friday, March 28th at 6:30pm at Embassy…

ACICS Approves Dental Assisting Program at IBMC College

IBMC College’s Fort Collins and Longmont campuses are now enrolling students in the Dental Assisting Diploma Program. IBMC College received approval today, from the Accrediting Council of Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS), to add the Dental Assisting Diploma Program to the curriculum at the Fort Collins and Longmont campuses. "IBMC College is exited to expand…

Computer Support Specialist Program now Offered IBMC College Campuses

The Accrediting Council of Independent Colleges and Schools has approved IBMC College to offer Computer Support Specialist career training classes at campuses in Fort Collins, CO; Greeley, CO; Longmont, CO and Cheyenne, WY. IBMC College announced that the Accrediting Council of Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) has granted permission to begin offering and enrolling students…

IBMC College Recognized at ACICS Centennial

The Institute of Business & Medical Careers, Inc. Achieves Coveted Honor Roll Status The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools recognized the Institute of Business & Medical Careers, Inc. (IBMC) for demonstrating quality, integrity and excellence during an ACICS awards ceremony in Las Vegas on Nov. 11. The ceremony was part of a four-day…

Local IBMC Campuses Receive Honor Roll Award at ACICS Convention

Institute of Business & Medical Careers Achieves Honor Roll Status on the Accrediting Council of Independent Colleges and Schools' Honor Roll The Institute of Business & Medical Careers received the Honor Roll Institution Award at the Annual ACICS Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 11, 2012 for outstanding education to adults seeking career training…

25 Years Providing Career Training to IBMC Students in Northern Colorado and Wyoming

[caption id="attachment_1514" align="aligncenter" width="563"] IBMC Celebrates 25 Years of Offering Fast-Focused Career Training in Northern Colorado and Wyoming[/caption] Institute of Business & Medical Careers Provided Life-Changing Career Training to students and Supplied Region’s Employers With Business, Medical, Paralegal and Massage Employees in the Past 25 Years [caption id="attachment_1517" align="alignright" width="225"] IBMC offers Medical Assisting Degree…

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