Teacher Feature: Colleen Wolf, Fort Collins Healthcare Program Instructor at IBMC College

Colleen Wolf, healthcare instructor at the Fort Collins campus of IBMC College, is honored in this week’s Teacher Feature.

At IBMC College, our Vision Statement is, “Caring Individuals…Changing Lives.” We firmly believe that the quality of instructors greatly impacts each student’s learning experience. That is why we hire dedicated, caring faculty members that possess real-world experience in the fields in which they teach. Not only do our instructors teach our students, but they help to shape the way these students view themselves, academically and professionally. To highlight these inspiring faculty members, we’ve created the “Teacher Feature.” Become a fan on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and link up with us on LinkedIn to leave your comments and show your support!

Healthcare instructor at IBMC College
Colleen Wolf accepts her award for Faculty Member of the Quarter at a recent assembly.

This week, IBMC College recognizes Colleen Wolf for her unique approach to teaching. This quirky Fort Collins college instructor draws from her 10 years of experience as a physician assistant to inspire students in the healthcare programs. The way she combines lessons from the textbooks with lessons from her real-life experiences leaves students captivated and wanting to learn more!

Here’s how Colleen answered our “Teacher Feature” questionnaire:

1)      What do you do as a profession when you’re not teaching? I have been a physician assistant for over 10 years.  Most of that time has been in family practice and urgent care, but I also spent a year in oncology.

2)      What is the one thing you enjoy most about teaching? Having a chance to see familiar information from endless other perspectives.  Helping to inspire passion in how we care for patients.

3)      What is one thing that you say or do that inspires students to succeed? You need to know your basic knowledge to do your job, but it’s the little things that really set you apart as an employee and an invaluable part of the team.  Attention to detail, professionalism, kindness, teamwork – these are the things that make your job better (and make your coworkers’ jobs better) and may save you in job-cuts, downsizing.

4)      Who inspires YOU? The first physician I worked with was a great teacher, and didn’t expect me to know everything straight out of school.  He helped me to reinforce my knowledge and to grow and learn new skills.  He would often tell me, “You should never be completely comfortable in your job.  If you feel like you know how to do everything, then you need to push yourself a little harder.”  I still think of this quote often.  We never stop learning!

I am also inspired by my family.  As exciting as it is to embark on a new career, it’s important to remember to value the part of you that exists OUTSIDE of work, as well.  That makes me a better person, both at work and at home.

5)      Describe IBMC in 5 words or less.  Family, fun, exciting, motivating.

6)      What was the last movie you watched? Grown Ups

7)      If you woke up tomorrow with the means to travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? New Zealand- to hike, climb and kayak my way through beautiful natural areas.

8)      What is one zany/crazy fact about yourself that most students would not know? Secret talents, have you ever been on TV, etc? I can catch really well.  My husband says it’s one of the reasons he married me.

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