4 Steps to Become a Certified Medical Assistant

If you’re the type of person who’s happy to help others, why not make a career of it? Medical Assistants are a valuable asset to any clinic, hospital or other medical facility. With the healthcare industry growing so quickly, there’s a huge need for more compassionate people to care for our aging population.

STEP 1: Make the Decision to Become a Medical Assistant

Taking the leap from a steady, comfortable job to training for a new career can be scary. But it’s important to ask yourself, “Will I be happy if I’m still working this job years from now?”

Medical Assisting will continue to challenge you to grow over the years, and some say that patient care has brought purpose to their lives. As you consider the career, take the time to think about the work environment, job outlook and even similar positions, like Dental Assisting.


STEP 2: Attend a Career Training School

In as little as 10 months, you can complete a Medical Assisting Diploma program at IBMC College. With a wealth of hands-on training, you’ll learn the necessary skills to thrive after graduation. From emergency procedures to laboratory techniques, you’ll gain the right knowledge at the perfect pace.

If you’re worried about classes interfering with your schedule, you should still look into career training. A lot of students are able to continue working and caring for their families, because courses are offered in the morning, afternoon and evening.


STEP 3: Become Certified

After completing your diploma program, you’ll need to get certified to be considered for a career with most employers. You’ll be tested on your knowledge in everything from human anatomy to clinical and diagnostic procedures. No need to worry — it’s all in the training you’ll receive from IBMC College.


STEP 4: Find a Medical Assistant Position

After you’ve graduated and become certified, you’re ready to get started. Congratulations! The career is one of the fastest growing occupations in the U.S., so there are many employers looking to hire. In fact, employment of Medical Assistants is expected to grow 29% nationwide through 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Depending on your aspirations, you can choose to work in a physician’s office, hospital, or one of many types of clinics. There are literally dozens of different types of positions Medical Assistants can work in. Find a place you love, and find satisfaction in helping people for the rest of your career!

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