Is Massage Safe During the Pandemic?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, getting a massage was a staple of many peoples’ self-care routines. For some, it was twice a month—for others, maybe once a year.

Medical professionals agree—getting a massage is an incredible way to reduce stress and anxiety. But the idea of a massage during a pandemic might be anxiety-inducing. After all, massage does require close contact with another person.

So is it safe to get a massage in the era of COVID-19? The answer to that question is highly personal; It depends greatly on your health, age and personal risk tolerance.

Massage as Stress Relief

There’s simply a lot to stress about right now. In fact, most Americans agree with the perception that we’re living in the lowest point in living memory. More than one-third say that the coronavirus is having a serious impact on their mental health. Ironically, sustained stress can adversely affect our immune systems.

When you carry too much stress, it can also lead to muscle tension and even pain. Over time, that tension often snowballs into difficulty sleeping, fatigue or headaches. It’s easy to see how a massage could alleviate some of that tension, especially if you get one regularly.

Trained Massage Therapists know the human body and its inner workings. Still, it’s important to provide your Massage Therapist with as much information as possible about how you’re feeling. That way, they can focus on the right areas using the right modalities. And remember, it’s okay to get a massage just because it feels good.

What Precautions Are Massage Therapists Taking?

We all have different levels of risk when it comes to COVID-19, as well as different degrees of risk tolerance. If you are elderly or immunocompromised, you probably know activities that require close contact—like massage—could be risky. Most Massage Therapists would not recommend these people get massages during the COVID-19 pandemic.

But if you’re young and know you’re healthy, the decision to get a massage might be a little easier. Licensed Massage Therapists are taking many precautions in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, for themselves and for their clients. These precautions may include:

  • Asking preemptive screening questions during appointment scheduling
  • Requiring temperature checks before clients enter the premises
  • Using a facial mask while greeting clients and performing massages
  • Requiring facial masks for clients
  • Thoroughly sterilizing the massage table and surfaces of the room after each use

Getting a Massage at IBMC College

IBMC College has an on-campus, student- and licensed-graduate massage clinic in Fort Collins, Colorado. We continue to offer massage services in accordance with the state of Colorado’s COVID-19 guidelines. Student, staff and guest safety is our number one priority.

For years, our students have put their extensive hands-on training to work, practicing their skills with real clients like you. Massage requires close contact, and there’s no way around that. But if you do choose to get a massage, we encourage you to support a budding Massage Therapy student as they work toward their goal of becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Every day, we’re teaching our future massage therapy students to cope with how the current health crisis has impacted their industry. A lot of importance is put on how they can keep themselves and their clients safe during an appointment.

If you’re interested in learning more about massage therapy and becoming a professional Massage therapist, but are wondering whether this is the best time to pursue your training, contact our admissions team to find out what precautions we’re taking to make sure our classrooms and clinics are safe.

The truth is, there’s no time like the present to start your program because once your finish your 10-month training, we may see our world returning to a semblance of normalcy and you’ll be trained and prepared to start your rewarding career in massage therapy!

Looking for someone with a little more experience? We also offer the services of Licensed Massage Therapists that have already completed their extensive training.

Learn about IBMC College’s Massage Services >

Massage or Not—Find Your Stress Relief Method

The stress- and anxiety-reducing benefits of massage are undeniable. Still, it is important to gauge your health and risk tolerance when deciding if getting a massage is right for you. It’s important to find some form of stress relief during this challenging time—whether it’s a massage, a long walk, or a phone call with a good friend.

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