IBMC Program Blogs

Why Choose a Career In Dentistry?

As you explore your career options and narrow down your choices, you might find that you become even more discerning. If you have chosen a healthcare college in Fort Collins, such as our IBMC College, congratulations! We are dedicated to helping you succeed! Our programs in our dental college will challenge you and prepare you…

How to Decide When to Drop a Class

Sometimes a student may want to drop a class while studying at a college in Greeley. Dropping a class can have some benefits, however, depending upon when it is dropped, it can have its disadvantages, too. Dropping a class late in the semester means lost time in class that is not completed, loss of tuition,…

Full-Time Versus Part-Time Students

There are many reasons why a student might debate over going to college full-time or part-time. Some of the most common reasons include money, time commitment and accessibility to college in the Cheyenne, WY area. We here at IBMC College understand the challenges current and future students face when trying to select classes to take.…

The Fastest Growing Technology Jobs

If you already know you want to study at a technology college in Greeley or Fort Collins, you are way ahead of the game, compared to many prospective students. Figuring out the fundamental path of your education and future career is essential to starting off on the right foot. At IBMC College, we love to…

IBMC College Will Be Hosting College Planning Night

IBMC College in Fort Collins, Greeley, Longmont, CO., and Cheyenne, WY will be hosting College Planning Night in April. The events will be held from 6-7 PM and will be held over the course of four days. Each campus of IBMC College will host one night of the event. Events dates are as follows: Longmont…

Choose a College Degree That Holds Promise for Future Work

When you start to look at your chosen technology or legal college in Cheyenne to find the right course of study for you, take a look at the big picture, especially the one that includes your job prospects upon graduation. Some fields are simply and clearly more promising than others. At IBMC College, we want…

Careers in Compassion Offer Great Rewards to Students

As you browse through your college catalog, looking for the perfect course of study, you probably already have a good idea of what you want to pursue. Most likely, if you want to study healthcare or massage at a college in Cheyenne, you have known that for a while. Both of these courses of study…

Tips for Finding Work Once You Finish Your Beauty School Studies and Practice

We always feel excited for our IBMC College graduates when they finish their educational careers in cosmetology college in Longmont. They face a bright future in an industry that continues to need creative experts in the field. Women and men are always looking for the perfect stylist to help them achieve the look they have…

The Most Important Place on Campus: Career Services

According to the article, “5 Reasons Why Career Services Is The Most Important Office On Campus,” by college and career writer, Reyna Gobel, for Forbes Magazine, the purpose of a post-secondary education is to help students find a meaningful and fulfilling career. In short, people go to college to get jobs. Fulfilling that goal is…

Adjunct General Education Instructor Hired At IBMC College

IBMC College has hired Robin Sherman as an Adjunct General Education Instructor at the Greeley campus, located at 2863 35th Ave. Robin Sherman is a business professional with over 20 years of experience. She has an Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Administration from Indiana Business College, as well as a Bachelor of Science…

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