General Resources

5 Things Adult Learners Should Look for in a Career Training Program

in General Resources, Healthcare Careers, IBMC Student Life
August 21, 2020

For most adults, going back to school is not easy. Juggling coursework while working or caring for family can put a strain on life. But there’s a reason why 6.6 million adults over 25 (35% of American students) choose to embrace the struggle every year. Many adult learners cite increased earning potential as their motivation…

5 Advantages of a Technical College Education

in General Resources
July 30, 2020

In their final year of high school, students must make a decision about where to get any additional career training. Often this becomes a choice between a four-year college or university and a technical college, also called a technology college. Choosing a technical college education has five advantages. 1. Financial Benefits A degree or a…

4 Best Careers for Busy and Active People

in General Resources, IBMC Student Life
July 27, 2020

If the thought of hunching over a desk for hours on end sounds unpleasant—well, that’s because it often is. When you type “desk job” into Google, some of the first suggestions that pop up include “desk job exercises” and “desk job stretches.” It’s a well-known fact that sitting all day can be pretty uncomfortable, not…

So You Graduated High School or Want To Make A Life Change During a Pandemic — What Now?

in Covid-19, General Resources, High School
July 17, 2020

Deciding what to do after high school was tough enough already. Did we really need a global pandemic to muddy the waters even further? If you’re still trying to figure it out, you’re not alone. In fact, 49% of recent high school grads have changed their plans for the fall. If you’re thinking about college,…

Is Massage Safe During the Pandemic?

in Esthetician & Massage, General Resources, Healthcare Careers, Massage Therapy
June 30, 2020

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, getting a massage was a staple of many peoples’ self-care routines. For some, it was twice a month—for others, maybe once a year. Medical professionals agree—getting a massage is an incredible way to reduce stress and anxiety. But the idea of a massage during a pandemic might be anxiety-inducing. After all,…

3 Career Change Ideas for Restaurant and Retail Workers

in Barbering, Cosmetology, Dental Assisting, General Resources, Healthcare Careers, Medical Assisting Blogs
June 19, 2020

The first job many of us ever held was in a restaurant or retail store. And to be honest, it’s not a bad gig to start out with. The hours are flexible, the people are usually alright, and the pay is certainly better than nothing. It also teaches you how to work well with others—including…

What will your education look like at IBMC?

in Covid-19, General Resources, IBMC News, IBMC Staff & Faculty, IBMC Student Life
May 26, 2020

THE "NEWER NORMAL" For several long months, we’ve all been grappling with the impact of Covid-19 and the life changes we’ve all had to make as we learn to exist with the reality of the current health-crisis. It’s true that in northern Colorado we’ve been more fortunate than many areas of the country. We haven't…