Accredited Colleges
5 Advantages of a Technical College Education
In their final year of high school, students must make a decision about where to get any additional career training. Often this becomes a choice between a four-year college or university and a technical college, also called a technology college. Choosing a technical college education has five advantages. 1. Financial Benefits A degree or a…
Obtaining a Degree in Technology is an Investment in One’s Future
When looking at technology colleges in Cheyenne, Wyoming, potential students look at a number of factors when choosing the school that meets their needs. While one school may have class times that coincide with one's work schedule, another school may offer online training that isn't available elsewhere. With the number of choices for students looking…
The Difference Between a Medical Assistant and a Physician Assistant
When seeking a degree in medical assisting in Cheyenne, WY, people can become confused about the variety of different assistants that can be found in the medical field. Two of the positions that people believe are the same are medical assistants and physician assistants. Yet these two career fields are very different due to the…
Going to Beauty School in Longmont Colorado
When one wants to work in the dynamic field of cosmetics and beautification, a degree from one of the beauty schools in Longmont, Colorado is an excellent decision. With the variety of job choices that exists once one graduates from an accredited school, a person who goes to beauty school can find the perfect job…
Why Choose a Career in Massage Therapy?
Massage is an ancient technique that has been used for centuries to relieve pain and promote healing. Over the years it has gone into and out of fashion, but never out of practice. Today, the practice of therapeutic massage is widely accepted and receiving growing acceptance all the time – making this the perfect time…
IBMC College Has Started A Toys For Tots Gift Collection
IBMC College is pleased to announce it has started a gift collect for Toys for Tots at the Cheyenne campus, located at 1854 Dell Range Blvd. IBMC College is collecting gift donations for the 2015 Toys for Tots drive. The collection has already begun and will run until December 15th. This year’s collection is in…
IBMC College and Boulder Valley School District (CTEC) Sign Enrollment Agreement
IBMC College is pleased to announce the signing of an enrollment agreement with the Boulder Valley School District Career and Technical Education Center (CTEC) Cosmetology program. The agreement spells out the options CTEC students will have in attending IBMC College, and establishes a partnership between the two organizations. The agreement also outlines the criteria and…
Student Success Coach Hired At IBMC College
Chuck Welch has been hired at IBMC College in Greeley, CO., as a Student Success Coach. In this new role, Chuck will be a resource for students seeking help, advice, and encouragement in their academic pursuit. Chuck Welch has joined IBMC College from Weld County School District 6, where he has been working as a…
Lower Stress Options for College
For some families, college stress can start almost as soon as a child is born -- and in some cases even sooner. Some parents search desperately for the right preschool, which they hope will lead to opportunities for their child to go to excellent elementary and high schools that will boost the child's chances of…
IBMC Medical Assisting Degrees Open the Door to High Growth Careers
Today students spend considerable time looking for high growth career opportunities. Health care is a promising field with many career options. If one is not interested in spending years in school studying to become a doctor or nurse, there are other positions available – one of these is medical assisting. A medical assistant degree program…