APSCU Director and Congressman Gardner Tour IBMC Greeley College Campus

The Institute of Business & Medical Careers of Greeley Invited the Media to Attend a Tour of the IBMC Campus With Congressman Cory Gardner and Don Lefeve, Director of Government Relations for the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities on September 26th The Institute of Business & Medical Careers welcomed Congressman Cory Gardner and…

Six IBMC Employees Head to Vegas for National APSCU Convention

[caption id="attachment_1062" align="alignright" width="235"] IBMC will send six to the National APSCU Convention in Las Vegas, NV. Michelle Blomfelt-Jabs, Trish Bowen, Ann Cross, Barbara Kearns, Holli Milenski and Eric Thompson will be attending to learn more about trends in the education industry.[/caption] It's bright lights and the big city for some! The Institute of Business…

Ann Cross, Regional Director of IBMC’s Career Services Department, Selected to Present at National APSCU Convention

The Institute of Business & Medical Careers is proud to recognize Ann Cross, Regional Director of Career Services, who has been selected to present at the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities Annual Convention and Exposition. APSCU is the premier source of crucial information and public policy recommendations that promote access to career education and…

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